According to a Association of American Medical Colleges report, the U.S. is projected to face a shortage of between 37,800 and 124,000 physicians by 2034. Nurses and other healthcare professionals are also in short supply, adding to the strain on patient access teams responsible for critical tasks such as patient scheduling, insurance verification, and ensuring that prior authorizations are completed in a timely manner.

Staffing shortages directly impact operational costs and patient care quality. Healthcare providers are forced to spend more on overtime, hire temporary staff, and ramp up recruitment efforts to fill the gaps. In 2020 alone, the American Hospital Association estimated that hospitals spent an additional $24 billion annually due to nurse turnover. This figure does not even account for the turnover of physicians, revenue cycle management (RCM) staff, or patient access personnel. The financial strain is immense, affecting growth and profitability, and making it challenging for healthcare organizations to maintain their operations.

AI and Automation: A Promising Solution

How can healthcare providers address these staffing challenges effectively? One promising solution is AI-driven automation. Below are some common use-cases:

  • Automate Administrative Tasks: Teams can reduce or eliminate time spent on administrative tasks such as patient scheduling, insurance verification, and prior authorizations by allowing the software to complete these tasks for them. By reducing the manual workload on staff, robotic process automation (RPA) frees them up to focus on higher-value activities in patient care.
  • Predict Staffing Needs: AI can predict staffing needs by analyzing historical data, identifying patterns, and presenting analytics dashboards to healthcare leadership. This allows healthcare organizations to better plan for peak times and allocate resources more efficiently.
  • Make Patient Information Management Easier: EHR/EMR integrations streamline patient information management, allowing for easier access to patient data. Integrations also enhance care coordination, reduce administrative burdens, and improve patient record accuracy in patient records. By automating patient data retrieval, smaller teams can stay organized and get more done.
  • Supplement Your Team with Chatbots: Chatbots and Virtual Assistants can provide patients with instant responses to common inquiries, appointment scheduling, and basic troubleshooting. This approach enables your organization to offer round-the-clock support and allows front office staff to reduce the number of calls they handle daily, letting them focus on more complex tasks and patient concerns.

The Tangible Benefits of AI Implementation

According to a study by HIMSS, organizations that implemented AI for prior authorizations saw a 60% reduction in the time required to complete the process while maintaining the same staff levels. Imagine getting 60% of your time back—what could your staff accomplish with that extra time?

Not only can these technologies improve efficiency and reduce costs, but they can also enhance job satisfaction by taking over mundane tasks and allowing staff to focus on more meaningful work. Job satisfaction is crucial; most people want to go to work and feel that their efforts have a purpose. Over time, meaningful work can outweigh even financial incentives in terms of job satisfaction. This can help reduce burnout and turnover rates, leading to a more stable workforce.

Moreover, AI can improve patient outcomes by ensuring that administrative processes are handled quickly and accurately. For example, AI can help identify patients who need follow-up care or have upcoming appointments, ensuring that they receive timely and appropriate care.

It’s essential to emphasize that AI and automation are not here to replace human resources but to augment them. According to a McKinsey report, organizations that implemented AI and automation saw a 20-30% increase in productivity, as AI took over routine tasks and allowed human staff to focus on more complex and strategic activities.

While staffing shortages pose a significant challenge, AI and automation offer promising solutions. By leveraging these technologies, healthcare providers can navigate the complexities of staffing shortages, improve operational efficiency, and ultimately provide better care for their patients.

Infinx Patient Access Plus is at the forefront of this transformation. Our solutions for eligibility verification, benefits checks, and prior authorizations are powered by AI and automation, helping healthcare providers streamline processes, reduce claim denials, and clear patients before their appointments. With our technology, healthcare organizations can enhance patient access and ensure operational efficiency, paving the way for a more sustainable future.

Request a demo of our solutions today and learn more.