Credit Balances Resolved

Ensure overpayments or adjustment errors are resolved by leveraging skilled billing specialists and robotic process automations optimized by intelligent workforce management technology.


Resolve Credit Discrepancies Quickly

When payers reimburse more than what was charged, patients pay more than what was quoted, or incorrect charge edits were made in the billing system, credit balances result in an overstated accounts receivables. If credit from overpaid claims are not refunded in a timely manner, providers could face penalties or risk alleged misappropriation of funds claims.

We help healthcare providers overcome their credit balance challenges by assigning one or more of our skilled billing specialists to their project to reduce credit balance volumes in their accounts receivable and process the required refunds.

Our team springs to action as soon as credit balances when:

  • payer reimbursed more than what was charged
  • patient paid more than quoted
  • duplicate payment by payer and patient, or primary and secondary payer
  • payments were not posted correctly


Powered By Technology & Our Billing Specialists

Optimized by our automations and proprietary intelligent workforce management technology, our experienced billing specialists are able to complete credit balance resolution activities within 24 to 48 hours after the overpayment is detected.

Timely analysis

  • Review patient records of accounts showing credit
  • EOBs and ERAs are compared against credit discrepancies

Swift correction

  • Overpayment sources are identified (patient or payer)
  • Incorrect transactions are reversed and reposted

Accurate reconciliation

  • Reconciliation
  • Transfers of overpayments to open balances

Refund logistics

  • Confirmation of payer versus patient refunds
  • Refund letter and payment records are consolidated and formatted into refund file packets


Get Visibility Into Our Workflow

Real-Time Insights

Our proprietary analytics tool provides real-time status of all outstanding credit balance like posting errors, charge corrections, payments received and final resolutions. Custom reports can be created based on your unique needs.

We also help our clients with end-of-month deadlines. We usually close EOM by the first business day of the following month. Regular audits are performed to avoid month-end delays.

Root Cause Analysis

We help identifying root causes and credit balance trends to advise on process improvements to activities that are causing credit balances. With our real-time reports, you can see where issues arise so your team can avoid them in the future.


We Work With Most Billing Systems

In our decade of experience, we have extensive experience in most billing systems. Get a complete picture of your organization’s accounts receivable in your system.


How We Help Our Clients

Learn how we help our clients solve their credit balance challenges.

How We Helped One Client Overcome Their Credit Balance Challenge

One hospital client was experiencing a backlog of 55K credit balance invoices, as well as 300K unposted payments. They needed to clear this to avoid any possible audits, while not impacting patient experience. The backlog included invoices from every specialty, making the overall process even more complicated for their billing staff. Errors caused accounts receivables issues, increased denials, false credits, and inaccurate patient statements. Credit balance resolution and payment posting had to be done during a scheduled transition from GE Centricity to EPIC, which required an additional layer of complexity. Our credit balance team was able to successfully overcome this challenge for them with a reliable team of experts optimized by our proprietary workflows.


Millions Of Transactions Processed Annually


credits resolved annually


claims managed annually


accuracy in refunds

Ensure Credit Balances Get Dealt With On Time

Contact us to learn how our credit balance resolution solution helps providers balance and refund outstanding credits and prevents future credit buildup.